Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Some Fabulous Folks

One of the best things about our trip to Bregenz was the great people we traveled with. I had such a fun time getting to know each and every person in our group. And what a priviledge it was to get to meet all the EKU gang. You all are the best!!!
Beth W. you are the perfect airplane buddy. That's what you need on a TEN HOUR FLIGHT!!! And we did it coming and going. And thanks for hangin' with me when the goin' got tough on our way up the mountain! You too Lavina. . . and boy can you sing! THE HILLS ARE ALIVE!!!!!!!!! With Lavina's beautiful voice.
Kathy, one, two three, SMILE!!!! We both need fair warning before they snap that picture don't we!! Billy did you really like the mineral water? I tried but couldn't do it. Melinda, out of 2000 pictures that were taken on my camera you were the only one who gave me bunny ears. I love it!!!! Graham will I really have good luck after shaking your hand? I already have because I got to go on this trip with you guys.
Susan you are such a tenderhearted lady. You and I would be great friends if we lived closer together. Thanks for filling me in when I needed filling in. April you crack me up. Thanks for wading in the cold water to get me a chair from underneath the golden wishbone before TOSCA. Now that's a true friend. And Theresa we tried hangin' out in Munich but that silly cold rain got the best of us. Are you still wearing your socks with your flip flops?? :o) Holly. . Ahhh the glam gal. Gosh you looked gorgeous before the opera and of course every day before that. You were stylin' no matter where we went! Lindsay you're just the sweetest gal in the whole wide world and I love ya!! Thanks for encouraging me to go to the beer garden with you guys. It was some of the most fun I had. Never thought someone would ask me for my sausage!! Hee Hee!! I will always remember the Bavarian Pub too. Was that place really as small as it seemed???? Erin you are so thoughtful and a ton of fun to boot. I'm so glad we had more than just Earth Force training to get to spend time together. You're the best! Harry and Deb, what can I say, I love ya, love ya, love ya. I'll take a lesson anytime you offer one!! Deb Thrall what a smile and gosh you're a blast to be around. Come visit KY sometime soon. Rebecca, Decolores and keep praying for my sis! It was a pleasure hangin' out with you. Jackie, I wanna be like you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are like none other. What a blessing to spend time with you. You truly walk the walk. God bless! Scott, I'm still waiting for the perfect monitor and thanks for the laughs. Don't be eating any spinach balls O.K.!!!!!!! John and Gilda, you all are so sweet together. I want to hear that antique instrument play real soon too. Alan and Lisa you all are the same, just such a great couple. What a joy to have met you two. Jill thanks for loaning me your blow dryer and for making me a folder on your laptop for the first 1000 pics. Jess and Beth you all are a hoot. I had fun shopping at the toy store with you in Munich,I would never have found that bright yellow .50 cent poncho that made me look like a giant banana walking all over Munich, thanks for letting me walk back with you that afternoon. Gosh I was tired. Brian you're the coolest. I'm so glad we got to go on this trip together. You certainly were the most animated in the photos I took. Funny!!! And thanks for getting to the bottom of the missing envelope. I knew I never had it. So how was the drive home. Bet you wished you had listened to Joe!!!!!! And speaking of Joe, thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do. You know my sentiments about this incredible trip already so I won't repeat it. I do thank you for encouraging me when I needed it most and for everything you did, both big and small to put this program together. I can't imgaine all that it takes to plan those two weeks. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! I will never forget it.

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